Attract money and good luck you can. How to do this? It is necessary to start to speak of objects, to the attraction of the energy of the lucky and the finances. In this article, we will examine the question of how to make a talisman in the money of the normal subjects. It is only necessary to remember that the magic works in the power of faith in the possibility of a change of circumstances. Without faith nothing happens, any doubt, it destroys the result of the effort worthwhile.

The pouch with amber and a bay leaf
Amulet to attract money you can make from the duffel bag of fabric, full of gold water and sun. For the ritual of preparing the following items:
- a new package of salt;
- beforehand stitched a canvas of the bag;
- the piece of amber in the rough.
In the rising of the moon buy a new package of salt, not taking delivery of or underneath the calculation. Credit card payments can also be made. The bag should be of a natural tissue without a mixture of synthetic materials. To tie, it is necessary to cut a piece of tape. The color of the bag is not important, but the best thing of red or yellow.
Ready the bag must be put into the spring water in that day was gold of course. Through 6 hours out of the gold bag of water and dried under the sun. This can also be done in winter, but always in a sunny day.
Then, in the bag place items: salt and a piece of amber. If amber doesn't, you can put some object of gold, though link in the chain. The bag knotted recorded and read in it a conspiracy 6 times:
The bag to store it in a hidden place.
The second option of the bag amulet to attract money. In the rising of the moon, it is necessary to sew the bag of green cloth, and put in it the following elements:
- seeds of ground black pepper
- the leaves of laurel;
- the feather of poultry;
- coins.
The coins that you need to take-way: one at a time. At this time, the ruble, two rubles, 5 and 10 rubles. When you go to make a talisman, imagine that you, with all parts flowing money. Pepper symbolizes wealth, bay leaf, attracts success, to the pen of birds: good luck. Hang an amulet to attract money in the place, where is dedicated to your financial affairs.
The amulet of silver
Amulets to attract money and good luck with your hands can make ornaments of silver and gold. If you are making an amulet of gold, this must be done on a sunny and clear day. The amulet of silver to talk about on a moonlit night. For the creation of charm, ideal for anything from silver, that's going to lead.

Select a night of clear moonlight in the first half of the lunar month, you can perform the rite and on the full moon. Open the window to let the light of the moon fell into the room. The time of the celebration of the rite: two to three hours of the night.
It is an ancient conspiracy, in which you can not change the word of seats, and say the opposite of what is written. You can't talk about jesus christ instead of jesus christ.
After the launch of the conspiracy is necessary to take the decor up, it falls to the ground. When you go to sleep, leave the window open: the light of the moon should fall on the floor and the decoration lighting. Before you go to sleep dagger and read the our father, to talk with anyone, you can't. It is not possible that someone saw the celebration of the rite and the ear of the conspiracy.
In the morning, stand up and lift up the decoration of the floor. Slide and not fire. If you made a certain amount of money, do not remove the decoration, until you don't get it. When you receive the money that you have to go to the church and to put candles to the mother of god and savior.
In the ring of gold
Gold ring can be not only decoration, but a talisman to attract the wellness. To begin to talk about a ring, you must perform the following ritual. The Sunday in the rising of the moon put the ring on the new glass of spring water (you can buy in the store of still water from the water source).
Then take a tablespoon, to prevent the water in the vessel from the needles of the clock.
Then, a portion of the water they drink, and the second is poured upon the threshold of the house or on the threshold of the house. The ring put the index finger and wear it constantly.
The stone of moon
How to make a charm for the money at home? Amulets of their hands, they work well, even beginners in magic, if you invest in them the power of your faith. To create this type of artifact, you should buy a moonstone in the souvenir shop and start to talk about him in the new moon.
Talisman of good luck in the affairs of

This talisman will help in charge of financial affairs, you can keep in the office or in any other district of location. For the manufacture of an artifact you need certain objects, which must be purchased on any day of the waxing of the moon:
- cardboard green color;
- the gel pen or felt-tip pen in green color;
- the sail of green;
- the grass of the basilica;
- the wire coloured green.
Also for the manufacture of the pet you will need scissors and glue. Gat him into the room begin to make a case. Light a candle green, putting it in the candelabra. You have to draw on the cardboard five-pointed star (train ahead) and cut along the outline. Use the rule that it is not necessary to draw the hand: not exactly.
Rub a few leaves of basil powder, lubricate the glue center of the star and put it in the queue of the grass. Now carefully lubricate the glue of the rays of the star and fold to the center. Dressing the figure with green thread and re-seal the knot and the wax of the candles. Talisman ready. Keep to your side with the work papers or money.
The birch bark
The birch bark, taken in the spring, it has a powerful force of attraction of well-being. Prior to breaking the piece of bark, ask a birch forgiveness and place under the roots of a piece of bread or coin.
Break the crust should be cold, the right hand (for right handed shooters: the one on the left). Take the pet home and put there where you keep the money or have financial issues. Remember that the talismans help you to earn money, therefore, from the sky, they did not fall: it has to work.